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no export造句

"no export"是什么意思  
  • The project contains no export symbols
  • If no exports are specified , link does not create an import library
  • Until 2005 there were no exports of chinese cars to russia at all
  • If a dll has no exports , the linker will not generate a . lib file
    如果dll没有导出,链接器将不生成. lib文件。
  • An error has occurred . no export file will be created
  • Until 2005 there were no exports of chinese cars to russia at all
  • Article 7 no export license may be sold , transferred , altered , forged or changed
  • The beneficiary ' s statement certifying that no export license is required in 1 original
  • Brilliance auto - bmw has no exports plan either with bmw taking a fancy on china ' s huge consumer market
  • If you are building an . exe file that has no exports , using a . def file will make your output file larger and slower loading
    如果生成的. exe文件没有导出,使用. def文件将使输出文件较大并降低加载速度。
  • It's difficult to see no export in a sentence. 用no export造句挺难的
  • If no export . lib file is present on the disk , and the project system tells the linker to link with this missing dll , the link will fail
    如果磁盘上不存在导出. lib文件,而项目系统通知链接器链接此(缺少的) dll ,链接将失败。
  • For shipments between member nations of the european union , no export documentation is required to clear customs when the goods shipped are in free circulation
  • Through forming a framework of domestic rate of cost , the thesis has analyzed the competitive advantages from three levels , resource allocation efficiency of fresh fruits , latent competitive advantages and protective level and distorting degree from the government firstly . then , the thesis post - analyzed and examined the comparative advantages of china ' s apple and orange with tsc and kca . it consider that apple , orange , pear in china gave higher competitive advantages but the competitive advantage of fruits is decreasing in general , mandarin orange and golden orange ' s export competitiveness is stronger while aurantium , lemon and bitter orange have no export competitiveness at all
    本文通过建立国内资源成本分析框架,应用国内资源成本分析法( drc ) 、社会效益分析法( nsp ) 、有效保护率法( erp ) ,从几种鲜果生产的资源配置效率,潜在的比较优势和政策保护水平以及扭曲程度3个层面对中国苹果和柑橘的比较优势进行了事前分析;然后运用净出口指标(贸易专门化系数, tsc )分析法, “显性比较优势系数” ( rca )分析法对中国苹果和柑橘的比较优势进行事后分析和检验。
如何用no export造句,用no export造句no export in a sentence, 用no export造句和no export的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。